The Multiverse is the new central theme of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after...
Nick John
In One Piece, pirates are considered free men and women. However, there are clearly...
7. Madoka Shizuki The beauty born in 1996 only joined the entertainment industry last January....
After its release, Netflix’s television blockbuster Squid Game has become a phenomenon around the world....
Warning: The article contains spoilers for Kimetsu no Yaiba season 2. One of Kimetsu...
At first glance, Caenorhabditis elegans have nothing in common with us Homo Sapiens. But...
In Genshin Impact, players will own dozens of different characters. After a long period...
For most ‘Doraemon’ readers, the sharp-beaked Suneo gives a not really good impression. A...
Along with the development of modern anime, audiences are increasingly exposed to many different...
Most of today’s games are associated with strange adventures, finding treasure, or puzzle pieces...