In the Dragon Ball series, Vegeta is a proud prince with outstanding strength of the Saiyan race, but his childhood was also very difficult.
Below are 10 interesting facts about Saiyan Prince Vegeta:
10. Vegeta has never lost to Goku
Despite never surpassing Goku, the truth is that Vegeta has never really lost to Kakarot.
9. Vegeta killed the entire Ginyu force
Goku has an honest nature, so he doesn’t accidentally kill anyone.
Moving to the Dragon Ball Super series, Vegeta finally killed Ginyu when he stole Tagoma’s body.
8. Vegeta is the name of King Saiyan, saiyan prince and saiyan planet
Both Vegeta and his son share the same name.
7. Vegeta also has a brother named Tarble
Dragon Ball Z is one of the few anime series that does not emphasize sibling roles.
Vegeta’s younger brother Tarble, also a rare Saiyan survivor of Frieza’s massacre, settled on a new planet and started a family.
6. The solitary training process prevented Vegeta from catching up with Goku
Vegeta is very hard-working and trains harder than anyone else, but he cannot surpass his `eternal rival` because he is alone while Goku has many masters to teach him.
For a long time, he was unable to progress further until Angel Whis trained him on planet Berrus so Vegets could catch up to Goku.
5. There are two great pieces of music dedicated to Vegeta
Music is part of the appeal of Dragon Ball Z and Vegeta also has 2 pieces of music dedicated to him.
4. Vegeta is the only person to exploit the natural abilities of Saiyans
In every fight, Saiyans have an advantage that no one else has, that is, they will become stronger after being cured of serious injuries.
During the battle against Frieza on planet Namek, Vegeta desperately asked Krillin to injure him so that Dende could heal him, which would make him stronger.
3. Vegeta ate an alien’s arm
This happened a long time ago when Vegeta and Nappas were still conquering planets under Frieza’s orders, they invaded and massacred a distant alien race.
2. Vegeta was the first person to reach the power of Super Saiyan Blue Evolved
In the Dragon Ball Super series, although Goku is always one step ahead of Vegeta when it comes to advancing to Super Saiyan power levels, the Saiyan prince is the first to achieve Super Saiyan Blue Evolved, a further development of the Super form.
1. Vegeta may be related to the first Super Saiyan – Yamoshi
Remember, Vegeta once mentioned the `legendary Saiyan` 1000 years before the story took place.
After his death, Yamoshi’s soul still wandered in search of the souls of his five former teammates and they met again.
However, Yamoshi’s shadow looks very similar to Vegeta, so according to many people, the saiyan prince may be the descendant of the `legendary Saiyan`.